Friday, September 13, 2013

 , known as the Mouse Pokémon, is a larger and stronger form that Rattata takes when it gains enough experience. Raticate resemble large light brown rats with small black eyes, a yellow belly, a large cream coloured tail and the ability to stand on its hind legs. In the main Pokémon game series, a Raticate is only acquired when a Rattata grows past experience level 20 and is evolved into a Raticate. Compared to a Rattata, a Raticate is far more of a predator, and the majority of its features are adapted for this purpose. Its whiskers give it balance and it slows down if they are cut off. A female always has shorter whiskers. Its webbed feet allow it to swim as it hunts prey, and its fangs are tough enough to topple concrete buildings by gnawing on them.

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