Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Dewgong, known as the Sea Lion Pokémon, is covered in snowy-white fur which leaves it unharmed by icy waters. It also keeps itself warm by storing thermal energy in its body, allowing it to swim at intense speeds with no problem. With a streamlined body, Dewgong has very little drag in water, and can change directions while swimming using its long tail. Like its pre-evolved form, Seel, Dewgong sleeps during the day in shallow waters, looking for food at night. When in snow, it is hidden from predators, but when sleeping on glaciers, it is often mistaken for a mermaid. In the anime, Dewgong is first seen evolving from a Seel in the Cerulean Gym in the episode The Misty Mermaid. Dewgong is also seen used by Pryce in As Cold as Pryce and Nice Pryce Baby. In the Pokémon Adventures manga, Lorelei's Dewgong first appeared in Do Wrong, Dewgong!, In which it combined its Ice Beam attack with Cloyster's Spike Cannon attack to try and bury Yellow and Bill alive. It is capable of using Ice Beam to create paths of solid ice on which it moves.

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