Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Typhlosion, Known as the Volcano Pokémon, is the final form of the Cyndaquil evolutionary line. Unlike Cyndaquil, Typhlosion bears no relation to the echidna, instead based on a combination on a wolverine, a badger, a weasel and a rat. The number of special vents it possesses has dropped to the row on its upper back; however, it can put forth a tremendous amount of heat. Typhlosion carries the same coloration of its lower forms. Its yellow fur is brighter than it is on Quilava, yet still duller than Cyndaquil. Its fur is incredibly coarse, dry, and somewhat shaggy, but still fire-proof. This fur, when rubbed together by Typhlosion, can be used to create huge explosions. Far more aggressive than either Cyndaquil or Quilava, Typhlosion are exceedingly hard to find out in the plains. They are a common cause of grass fires as the heat they expel is hot enough to cause the air around them to shimmer. It viciously assaults its opponents, reducing them to ashes with its incredibly hot flames. Though not color-blind, Typhlosion have slightly poorer eyesight than Quilava due to having smaller pupils. They make up for it with a keen sense of smell and remarkable hearing. It creates heat shimmers with intense fire to hide itself.

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