Thursday, September 19, 2013

Kingler is a crab with a single humongous claw. The claw grew to this size to protect Kingler from possible predators. It has the crushing force of 10,000 psi, but it comes at a price. The claw is very heavy, forcing Kingler to spend much of its time in the water, where the claw's buoyancy makes it lighter. However, due to this immense size and weight, Kingler can use the claw as a club-like weapon, the result of which is its signature attack, Crabhammer. However, Kingler can transition from water to land with relative ease, and when above water, it communicates with others of its species by waving its claw. It has four legs, which it uses to scuttle around. Its claw is normally kept low to the ground in order for Kingler to keep its stamina up. In the anime, Ash's Krabby evolved into Kingler during the 1st round of the Indigo League. Kingler was barely used during his adventures in Kanto and Johto, although it was also used in the Whirlpool Tournament. Ash was also going to use Kingler in the Johto League, but an accident caused by three Voltorb injured Kingler, and therefore it couldn't battle. Ash's Kingler still lives at Professor Oak's Lab.
Ash's Kingler is voiced by Unshō Ishizuka in both the Japanese and English-language versions of the Pokémon anime.

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