Thursday, September 19, 2013

Exeggutor, is known as the Coconut Pokémon. Its name is believed to be derived from the name of its previous evolutionary stage (Exeggcute), whose name is derived from egg and the word execute so Exeggutor's name is a combination of egg and executor. The Japanese name is derived from the words ココナッツ kokonattsu (coconuts) and 椰子 yashi (palm tree). A large Coconut Tree like Pokémon with three independent thinking heads. The heads are considered fruit or nuts and each has a different expression on its face similar to Exeggcute. When an Exeggcute evolves into Exeggutor, any and all cracks and breaks are mended as they turn yellow and combine to form the new Exeggutor. Living in a good environment will allow it to grow lots of heads, and it is said that they occasionally fall off to form new Exeggcute. In an open forum interview with ABC News, Creatures Inc. founder Tsunekazu Ishihara noted Exeggutor as his favorite Pokémon, citing it was the Pokémon he used while debugging the games.

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